Dear Sprechbaristen,
„The one less traveled by“ was the theme at the Kölner Sprechbar this past Wednesday. Twelve participants filled the room, 11 Kölner-Baristas plus one guest from Düsseldorf TM and we started the meeting in a traditional manner. Elisabeth presented the Tip of the Evening, Jutta humored us with her joke and Jazz didn’t „take a rain check“ but gave us the word of the evening.
Christina delivered her ice breaker and spoke of her passion for books. Christian also entertained us when describing his first encounter with his would-be in-laws.
We continued our evening with Georg guiding us though the Table Topics. Four (Elisabeth, our guest Mathilde, Heidi and Jazz) told tales of visiting known places at unusually times, the grandeur of grapes, thinking out of the box or simply jumping out of a plane.
Andrea, Jazz and Christine successively evaluated the speeches, where as Mathilde commented on the meeting as a whole.The awards were given to:
Andrea, Jazz and Christine successively evaluated the speeches, where as Mathilde commented on the meeting as a whole.The awards were given to:
Both Christina and Christian Best prepared Speeches
Jazz Best Table Topic Speech
Christine Best Evaluation
Christina Best usage of the Word of the Evening
A extra appreciation goes out to Elisabeth and Heidi who took their roles on such short notice.
Christine Best Evaluation
Christina Best usage of the Word of the Evening
A extra appreciation goes out to Elisabeth and Heidi who took their roles on such short notice.
Here is the speech „The Road Not Taken“
I am so many found their way to the Kölner Sprechbar last Wednesday.
For those who were detained and could not make the journey, take the first step and sign up HERE for this Wednesday!
Fondly yours,
07.10.2015 – The one less traveled by