
Liebe Sprechbaristen,

Never forget a short summary of the meeting…. Here it comes post-haste (=quickly, woe) – a short summary of a short meeting:

Thomas told us about negotiation according to the Harvard model, which leads to win-win situations, evaluated thoroughly by Leon.

Norvisi appreciated all table topic speakers who had to speak about the motto of the evening „teamwork“. Arnout was not amused about s.o. else taking all the credit for his achievements, guest Pooja had great teamwork experience with applicants for a job, Tim promoted VPPR and Secretary as best officer roles, guest Nihat admitted he was more the self help type than a teamworker. Sarah moderated humorously.

Thomas from CTM gave an awesome general evaluation and added to the small but nonetheless effective meeting. Thanks to everybody else for your contributions!!

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A chieves

M ore

Anne Kathrin
