Motion Pictures

Dear Baristas,

Here is the summary of last Wednesday’s meeting.

Motion Pictures was the theme of the evening at the Kölner Sprechbar. We were 9 members plus one guest.  „Houston, we have a problem.” –Apollo 13, 1995. The first thriller we watched was the last speech from Tilmans five part sequel „Persuasive Influence“. Reflecting on his role as the vice president of education, the audience gathered an inside look into the trials and tribulations attached to the task. With this tantalizing speech, he went to places no one from the KSB has ever before and COMPLETED an intire Pathwas path in record speed. CONGRATULATION!!!!

„Bond. James Bond.“ –Dr. No, 1962.  No, the second speaker was Bahss, Chris Bahss, sharing his top ten favorite films. With his perfectly professional powerpoint presentation, we went along on a cinematic journey thought the past two decades. Please refrain from further distribution of his presentation, because of Copyrights. 

Our Table Topic director, Manuela, had selected four challenging questions fir the actors revolving around the subjects concerning consumers. She commended on their performance, while compactly recapitulation the storyline. Four speaker had the auditioning opportunity to receive the award for of Best Table Topic speaker of the evening.

Tim told us a tale of textiles in finding quality jeans. Christian continued with an audition that he has lost track of product’s prices and tends to buy what he wants without considering the costs, He was recently humbled by the reflexion that some cannot afford to do this and pinching pennies is not so seldom for many. Our Guest speaker spoke if the positive sides to buying second hand and Kim concluded with selling and buying objects on Ebay. She admirably admits her sibling is a better bargainer.

Melanie, Tim and Anne Kathrin successively evaluated the speeches. Then the Quizmaster Kim took the stage to test our recollection abilities with clever questions.

In the end, it was time for the awards!

The best Prepared Speaker award went to Tilman!

The best Table Topic awards went to both our special guest star and Christian.

The best Evaluator awards were presented to Anne Kathrin and Tim.

Behind the scenes: A spezial thanks goes out to Arnout for keeping the time and being the cinematographer. P.S. If you missed the live show, you can watch the video tape that Arnout sent.

Tune in for the next KSB adventure this coming Wednesday. Hasta la vista, KSBler!

Motion Pictures
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