A colorful Wednesday…

Dear friends, guests, and toastmasters,

Color is power which directly influences the soul. – Wassily Kandinsky

Color up your life!

….and colorful it was, our meeting last Wednesday!

A succinct (= precise, to the point, woe) meeting with one speech and four table topics. Sarah told us humorously how Annette mentored her and helped her to become a more relaxed and authentic speaker.

Melanie picked up the topic of the evening for the table topics introducing us to the 6 thinking hats of de Bono, a coaching technique to look at one problem from 6 different angles. She told us about Elon Musk’s most recent idea of enhancing human brains by implanting chips. Manuela put on the yellow hat (the optimist) and found she will be able to comfortably play tennis even at old age and from a wheelchair. Christian with the black hat (the pessimist) came on stage as the skeptical scientist Dr. Weißmüller. Anna with the red hat (emotional) invited her friends to a tea ceremony to play with the new device which knows a lot about us already (in the end she came up with the smart phone…). Anne Kathrin with a green hat (creativity) imagined to learn any language without difficulty. A great and very diverse topic! (The six hats are completed by the white hat stands for objectivity and the blue one for managing the thinking process).

Guest Timm from Rheinredner gave a thoughtful evaluation for Sarah’s speech, the table topics were evaluated by the entire crowd – first the speakers themselves, then other participants. 37,5 % of the meeting was „dominated“ by the Bahß family. Christian also gave the general evaluation and Sarah brilliantly combined grammarian and filler word counting. Anna succeeded as first time quizmaster. Thanks to Jakob for taking the time and being very active in showing it to the speakers. Thank you Manuela for the zoom moderation and sending the videos afterwards.

Thank you for a colorful evening!

Anne Kathrin

A colorful Wednesday…
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