Nobody is perfect

Dear fellow Toastmasters,


on last Wednesday we had our monthly English meeting with the meeting theme „Nobody is perfect“.


The warm up part started with Anne´s tip of the evening to engage more actively in learning foreign languages. Recent studies showed that you also become more empathic in this way.

For the word of the evening Christian Bl. chose the word „genius“ that was used throughout the evening in many different ways.

The warm up part was closed by Wolframs joke about his schoolmate that he accidently met at the swimming pool.


The first prepared speech „The revolution that changes the world“ was given by Christian Bl. Christian´s speech was dedicated to the digital revolution and the digital mindset.

In his first speech at the Kölner Sprechbar with the title „Perfectionism, a review“ Kristoph talked about his experience with perfectionism and gave us tips how we can set up and reach realistic goals.


Afterwards Sarah lead us through the table topic session. The central theme of all topics were mistakes that can happen in life:

  • Manuel had to realize that his thesis was full of mistakes.
  • Johannes mixed up the cards with the names of the contest winners and announced the 2nd place winner as the 1st place winner.
  • Tim got in the wrong train as he drank too much beer.
  • Furthermore, with Roswitha, Ulrike and Arnout three guests took the chance to be on stage: Roswitha talked about her funnierst failure, Ulrike went outside in her slippers and Amout explained us the meaning of the phrase „take it with a grain of salt“ (in German „mit Humor nehmen“).


After the break we heard evaluation speeches of Hubert and Christian Ba. for the prepared speeches and Jeanette for the table topic part.

Christian Ba. also analyzed our use of the English language and gave us encouraging tips for further improvement.

Manuel had a close look (or ear ? ) on the use of filler words.

Finally, Jeanette came on stage as quizmaster and Novisi for the general evaluation.


The awards were won by:

  • Kristoph – best prepared speech
  • Tim – best table topic speech
  • Christian Ba. – best evaluation
  • Sarah – best usage of the word of the evening


The Hammer-award was handed over by Sarah to Tim.


Many thanks also to Jakob, Manuela and Tim, who supported us throughout the evening as timer, camerawoman and ballot assistant.


Thank you all for engaging in our meeting, you were a great audience.


Next Wednesday we will have our next Toastmasters meeting with the meeting theme „Prokrastination.“

And for next Friday, March 16, Christian Bl. invites us to a improvisation theatre evening in the Theas Theater in Bergisch Gladbach with the title „Digital! Ideal! Genial!“.


Have a nice weekend!




Nobody is perfect